
Cowfold Village History Society has a project to record the memories of people in the village. It is said that ‘today’s memories are tomorrow’s history’ and with that in mind we are interviewing villagers. The main purpose of the recording is to provide an archive for the future that people can access. So much has changed in the past 100 years and we would like to capture and create a picture of life in the village by talking to its inhabitants.

Oral History Interviewees

Mary Johnson (by Stella Bianco)

Reg and Jean Langridge (by Jan Case)

Bob Farren – 6 interviews (by Sue Crofts and Bernard Cannell)

Dr Philip Allen (by Karen Macauley)

John Winstanley (by Karen Macauley)

Mary Waller (by Ralph Stahmann)

Maggie Bennett (by Neil Williams and Debbie Miles)

Jessica Hawes (by Bob Farren)

Bill Lucas (by Neil Williams)

Bill Harvey (by Bob Farren)

John Trower (by Neil Williams)

WW2 Interviewees (all by Mike Burt)

Mary Waller

Jim Parsons

Colin Rudling

Jean Ross and Barbara Temple

Eric Vincent and Jean Newton

Elizabeth Arthur

Pat Sinton

Pat Sawyer

These oral history interviews capture memories in the main up to the end of WW2. A second project is being planned that will capture memories for Cowfold post WW2 and up to the present time.